Embodied Writing
July 31st – Sept 4th, 2024
Embodied Writing Summer Camp is designed for soulful and creative individuals who have a specific writing-related project to move forward this summer. This can range from establishing a deeper comfort with words and language to finally writing that article, kicking off a Substack, or beginning a short story, essay, journal, or even a novel.
Are you filled with creative energy but not enough discipline?
Do you have great ideas but aren’t sure how to get them out of your head and onto the page?
Do you have a project you’re excited about but don’t know how to begin?
Do you often think, “This is the summer when I’ll finally do …X…” but you still haven’t?
Are you frustrated because you can’t seem to commit to finishing a project?
I get it!
Because I’ve been there too.
If you nodded yes to any of the above,
Embodied Writing Summer Camp is for you!

When we get into our bodies, we get out of our own way.
Because when we move we literally shift the chemistry of our bodies. And guess what? Our brains are part of our bodies, so movement affects thought. This is a FACT.
We begin to think differently because our bodies have the capacity to change the way our minds work.
I know this from personal experience.
Becoming a yoga teacher was the best thing I ever did for my writing and artwork – it infused my creative work with a physicality that had not previously been there.
My work felt more alive, more vivid, more fully ME.
And yours will too!
When we join movement to writing, amazing things begin to happen creatively.
Your half-written article becomes infused with new inspiration.
Your collection of thoughts begins to take shape.
The structure of your huge writing project suddenly becomes clear.
Your daily writing practice feels joyful and liberating.
You dissolve writer’s block because there is so much to say and tell.
This is why I began teaching movement and writing courses over twelve years ago.
And this is why I created Embodied Writing Summer Camp for you.

Tell me more about embodied writing
When we deepen our awareness of our bodies, we perceive the world differently. We begin to know ourselves in ways we previously did not. This enables us to perceive and articulate things we never realized were present within us. We begin to communicate differently. We develop connections between words and body, movement and self-expression.
When we are in touch with our bodies, we write from our entire physical visceral experience of the world – not simply our mental one. This makes our writing richer, grittier, more sensory, and more deeply reflective of the entirety of our human experience.

”Susanna’s class offered me not just the opportunity to spend two hours every week immersed online in a community of writers for seven weeks, it also encouraged me to cultivate a daily writing practice and to read texts in a more focused and mindful way. It is difficult to overstate how much those two dedicated hours flowed over into the rest of my life, spurring a very creative period in the midst of an otherwise difficult year.
Anna KushnerWriter and Translator
Free Workshop
In Embodied Writing Summer Camp, I share my personal approach to generating and nurturing creative work, which is based on 6 Key Aspects of Creativity:
TRUST – trust your creative impulse
BELIEVE – believe in yourself and your value
FOCUS – be fearless in your focus
EMBODY – Connect body, mind, and spirit to express your fullest self
ACT – don’t hesitate-take action-dive in
FLOW – stop censoring yourself and let your creativity flow
In Embodied Writing Summer Camp, you will:
have substantial creative work finished by the end of summer.
tap into your body’s stories through somatic practices
be held accountable for your creative work.
join a supportive community of creatives.
access your creativity through meditation, mindfulness, and movement.
gain just enough structure to enable you to consistently create.
connect with other creative and passionate individuals.

”Susanna is a powerful, generous and soulful person. She teaches from a genuine place in her heart and marries her deep knowledge with her rich life experience. When I take a writing course with Susanna (I’ve taken many), she guides me to open doors inside of me that I didn’t know existed. The thoughtful questions she asks, the intelligent phrasing of her words and the pace and tone of her voice. This is the magic of Susanna’s teaching.
Jo IshiguroYoga Teacher & Founder of AsWeMove
Time and time again, I am moved by the way Susanna’s own embodiment influences me. I feel a heightened sense of myself. I begin to play with my creativity and allow ideas to flow freely. Each course has taken me on a new journey. Susanna is a remarkable teacher! Every course is worthwhile.
Who is Embodied Writing Summer Camp for?
If you want a creative container in which to explore your thoughts and ideas, this is for you.
If you are a soulful and passionate creative, this is for you.
If you want to find focus and take action in your writing, this is for you.
If you want to establish consistent writing habits, this is for you.
If you have a project you want to complete by the end of summer, this is for you.
If you would like to access the stories written in and on your body, this is for you.
When you join Embodied Writing Summer Camp, you will receive:
6 Live Guided Interactive Sessions on Zoom designed to form and support your writing project
A 6 week Container Providing Direction and Accountability for your work
A 1-on-1 Planning Session with me early on to create your project plan with action steps
Monday Motivational Newsletter with quotes and thoughts about writing
Ongoing Feedback from me about your project’s theme, development, and direction
Consistent Support from me in maintaining your momentum and getting your work done.
Opportunities to Present your project to the group. There’s power in speaking it out loud!
Links to Stream all Zoom sessions
Plus +
Accountability check-ins from me and from the group
Free Friday Yoga Class with me for the duration of the course (noon EST)
Ongoing access to me via Email and Voxer
One special session with a Guest Presenter on embodiment rituals, practices and creativity (scroll down for more info)
Dr. Abha Rajbhandari, PhD- How the Mind and Body Interact
Your Investment: $625
SAVE $50 EarlyBird Price: $575
(by July 12th)
The Practical Stuff
When does the course begin and end?
July 31st – Sept 4th, 2024
How is the course delivered?
I will send out a weekly newsletter each Monday filled with inspiration for the week. The rest of our content will take place during our Zoom Sessions as well as during our three extra Guest Teacher Sessions, and though our ongoing individual messaging (as well as during our 1-on-1 sessions!)
When are the weekly Zoom meetings?
Wednesdays 11-12:15pm EST.
July 31, Aug 7, Aug 14, Aug 21, Aug 28, Sept 4
What if I can’t make the calls live? Is it worth it?
ABSOLUTELY! The weekly calls are just one element of this course. You will be lavished with attention from me via email, our messaging system, and the FB group! You can always reach out to me privately – I will answer as soon as I see your message.
How does the 1 on 1 session work?
We can do this via Zoom or via a phone call, if you prefer. If you wish to have a recording, we will arrange for that. I want to meet with you close to the beginning of Embodied Writing Summer Camp in order for us to construct a personal plan of action and an individual structure that works for you. Previous to our session, I would love to read and review some of your writing (but no obligation!) so our session will be rich, supportive, and useful.
When will we be able to access the weekly Zoom recordings if we miss the call?
I will have the recordings available for streaming within 6-12 hours of the Zoom Session.
What if I fall behind?
If you fall behind, don’t worry! Part of the creative practice is finding your individual flow again and again and again. The structure I give you in Embodied Writing Summer Camp is designed to support and inspire you—not to confine you. And you can talk to me about it at any time.
Are there refunds given?
There will be no refunds given for this course once it begins. There is a $50 processing fee if cancelled prior to start.
What if I want more individual input on my writing?
If you want to schedule another 1 on 1 session with me, as a member of this community, you may do so at half-price during Embodied Writing Summer Camp. Normally $200, you will only pay $100! You can message me about this at any time.
The Creative Stuff
Is it ok if I am a novice writer?
Yes! This is a perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in a supportive and inspirational writing community!
What if I’ve always felt blocked or frustrated in my writing?
Have no fear! One of my specialties is to banish writers block. I have countless techniques to eliminate it.
Is it ok if I’m an experienced writer?
Yes! As a seasoned writer you know that it is often very helpful to be given accountability structures and boundaries from time to time. Personally, I love people giving me writing prompts, supporting my work, and inspiring me. We all need support!
What should I expect to get out of Embodied Writing Summer Camp?
I will help you to set personal goals for this program. There will be a wide variety of reasons for people’s involvement, from beginning a journaling practice to writing essays, personal healing stories, beginning a book, or even engaging in another creative project! At the beginning of the course you will set a goal for yourself and I will help you stick to it.

Questions? Email Me!